- Hightower Trail District is one of the 13 districts in Atlanta Area Council Boy Scouts of America.
- The district is made up of local Scouting units called Cub Scout Packs, Scouts BSA Troops, Venturing Crews, and Exploring Posts. These units are chartered to a local school, religious organization, or community center.
District leaders mobilize resources to ensure the growth and success of Scouting units within the district’s territory. The purpose of the district is to work through chartered organizations and community groups to organize and support successful units. The end result of effective district support is more youth members receiving a better program. The purpose of the council is to guide and support its districts for the achievement of the movement’s purpose. Councils establish policies and programs. Districts carry out the policies and programs in their respective territories.
All districts are responsible for carrying out four standard functions:
- Membership: The membership function strives for growth through the organization of new Scouting units, through new members and adult volunteers joining existing units, and through the retention of current members.
- Fund Development: The fund development function sees that the district provides its share of funds to the total council operating budget.
- Program: The program function concentrates on helping Scouting units with camp promotion, special activities including community service, training adult volunteers, and youth advancement and recognition.
- Unit service: The unit service function provides direct coaching and consultation for unit volunteers to help ensure the success of every Scouting unit.
The membership, fund development, and program functions are carried out by members of the district committee. The unit service function is carried out by the district commissioner staff.
Each district, regardless of size, has a district committee to coordinate the work of the district.
The district Key 3 consists of the district chair, district commissioner, and district executive. The district and district Key 3 support units to ensure that our youth members get the best possible Scouting experience in a safe environment.
The district Key 3 meet as often as necessary to ensure proper coordination of the work in the district.
The District Key 3 – District Chair
The district chair is nominated by the district nominating committee and elected by the district committee. He or she is automatically nominated for membership on the council executive board, subject to approval by the council executive board.
In leading the district, the district chair:
- Identifies and continually recruits enough of the right people as operating committee chairs and introduces them to their council counterparts.
- Initiates plans and helps committee chairs recruit an adequate number of members to carry out the functions of the district.
- Plans (with the district executive and the district commissioner) and presides at district committee meetings.
- Works with the district commissioner and district executive to stimulate and coordinate the work of the district to ensure the success of the Scouting units.
- In cooperation with the district executive, ensures the completion of district goals by monitoring operating committees.
- Recognizes individuals, committees, and chartered organizations for their Scouting accomplishments.
- Supports local and national Scouting policies, procedures, and practices.
- Helps to secure support for Scouting from top community leaders throughout the district.
- Annually appoints a new district nominating committee to meet year-round, and selects nominees for district officers and district members at large.
- Trains, coaches, and mentors district committee members.
- Aids in the development of the district executive.
The District Key 3 – District Commissioner
The district commissioner is approved and appointed by the council executive board, with the concurrence of the Scout executive, on the recommendation of the district nominating committee. This Scouter represents the district as a member of the council commissioner cabinet.
The district commissioner leads the commissioner staff:
- Identifies and recruits enough of the right people as commissioners so that all Scouting units in the district receive regular, helpful service.
- Trains, coaches, and mentors members of the commissioner staff.
- Supervises and motivates unit commissioners to visit each unit regularly, identify unit needs, and make plans to meet unit needs.
- Makes sure that every unit commissioner is trained in the use of the Unit Visit Tracking
System and uses it consistently. - Administers the annual commissioner service plan, which gives specific purposes for commissioner contact with units at designated times of the year.
- Oversees the unit charter renewal plan so that each unit reregisters on time and with optimum membership.
- Guides roundtable commissioners to ensure that monthly roundtables are well attended, and provides practical and exciting unit program ideas.
- Plans and presides at monthly meetings of the district commissioner staff, and sets a good personal example of Scout uniforming.
- Helps meet district goals.
- Supports local and national Scouting policies, procedures, and practices.
- Attends district committee meetings to report on the condition of units and to secure specialized help for units.
- Promotes the commissioner recognition plan to all commissioners.
The District Key 3 -The District Executive
The district executive is employed by the council executive board upon recommendation of the Scout executive, and works under the direction of the Scout executive. As the full-time professional in the district, the district executive has a close working relationship with the district chair and the district commissioner to accomplish the district’s objectives through volunteers.
The District Executive:
- Provides professional coaching.
- Proposes plans and agendas, usually “pencil drafts,” for consideration.
- Suggests action plans for recruiting district personnel.
- Gives inspiration and encouragement.
- Maintains regular contact with heads of the chartered organization.
- Keeps district records up-to-date.
- Arranges for the council’s office services such as mailings, meeting notices, etc.
- Provides vital behind-the-scenes administrative support.
- Develops his or her own work schedule.
- Works with and supports volunteers.
- Maintains a good working relationship with district volunteers.
[All the above information was from the Boy Scouts of America Handbook titles “The District” and may be found in its entirety at: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/mission/pdf33070.pdf (scouting.org) ]