
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. One of the District’s duties is to use the Council’s plan, procedures, and polices to ensure funding is not a barrier to providing programs to meet this mission.

The programs used in scouting have specific needs to accomplish their intended goals. The volunteers play a very large role in achieving this and the lack of funds can not restrict these programs. 

These Funds can come from:

  • Individual Members
  • Units (pack, troop, team, or crew)
  • Chartered Organizations
  • Local Councils
  • The National Council

Current Campaigns 

Listed here are some of the current Campaigns. See how you can make a difference and help Scouting. 

Friends of Scouting

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin$225,000Raised $131,000 towards the $225,000 target.$131,000$75,000$150,000$200,000Raised $131,000 towards the $225,000 target.58%
This is an annual campaign that the Atlanta Area Council has that provides trained leaders, program materials, camping facilities, and insurance for safe and fun experiences. The annual Friends of Scouting campaign provides 27% of our Council’s budget. It is because of the generosity of our Scouting families and community supporters that the amazing benefits of Scouting are possible in Atlanta. Friends of Scouting Campaign provides:

  • Every youth in metro Atlanta to have the opportunity to be a Scout, no matter their economic circumstance.
  • Provide First-class camping programs at Bert Adams, Woodruff, and Allatoona Aquatics Base.
  • Support and training for more than 10,000 volunteer leaders that make the Scouting program possible.
  • Materials and program development for the exciting, once-in-a-lifetime experiences that can only be found in Scouting
  • A safe and fun Scouting experience with insurance for Scouting activities.

You can make a gift at an upcoming unit presentation or click here to make a gift today.