Cub Scouts is the Scouting experience for youth in kindergarten through fifth grade (5-10 years old). This is a list of packs in the Hightower Trail District in the Atlanta Area Council. Packs can be boy or girl, they can be mixed. Not all packs will have both boys and girls.
Cub Scout
Key Three
Within each Pack is a group of volunteers that are key to the success of the Pack. The positions are commonly referred to as the Key Three. For Packs the following are key three positions:
The Cubmaster is a recruiter, supervisor, director, planner, and motivator of other leaders. The Cubmaster’s main responsibilities include: Work directly with the pack trainer, den leaders, den chiefs, pack committee chair, and committee members to make sure that all dens are functioning well.
The committee chair is appointed by the chartered organization to see that all committee functions are carried out. The committee chair appoints and supervises the unit committee and unit leaders, and organizes the committee to see that all committee responsibilities are delegated, coordinated and completed.
The primary responsibilities of the chartered organization representative are to help units be successful and to provide coordination between the chartered organization and the BSA. Every chartered organization representative is encouraged to become an active, participating member of one of the district’s committees.
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