Troop 0129 B

Active Scouting troop which follows the “boy leader” and Patrol methods to deliver the best Scouting experience for boys and young men from 11 to 18 years of age.                                        

The adult leadership is comprised of a core of men and women who have completed sponsored training from the Boy Scouts of America and are dedicated to the ideals and goals of Scouting.

Troop 129 is chartered by Cherokee Trail & Campsites. The chartered organization is granted a charter by the Boy Scouts of America to use the Scouting program. This chartered organization can be a school, service club, religious group, or other group interested in youth.

Scout Hut
4217 N. Park Dr.

The Troop Key 3

Wallace Runels

Chartered Organization Rep
Zachary Fisher

Committee Chair
Beau Grant

Other Contacts

Registration Contact
Keith Rawls

Meeting Times
Tuesdays at 7:30 at the Scout Hut

Boy Troop

District Executive: Antonia Carter